Honor Band Information

There are several different honor bands performance opportunities each year, all administered by state, regional, or local music educator’s professional associations.  All NPHS Band students are encouraged to audition for one of these groups for a couple of important reasons:

  1.  This is a great way to build your high school resume – College admissions officers are looking for students who show commitment and your acceptance to an honor band demonstrates this in a big way.
  2. The process of preparing for the audition is a tremendous growth opportunity – You will be challenged by preparing difficult audition repertoire.  Creating a recording of that audition (for All-State) gives you an chance to listen back and evaluate your playing.  You’ll hear mistakes you didn’t notice before which will give you a chance to polish your performance even more!
  3. You will be part of a group that performs at a much higher level – It is exhilarating to be part of group where everybody shares your dedication to great music making, playing outstanding music, with a phenomenal conductor.
  4. If you’re serious about studying music in college, being part of honor bands is almost expected – Most respected college and university music programs look for this as a fundamental part of your resume when you apply.  It demonstrates your commitment to working hard as an individual, it speaks towards your ability as a player, and it shows that you are looking for opportunities to be pushed.  Those are all important qualities if you are going to succeed as a music major.

SCSBOA  All-Southern Honor Band, Honor Orchestra, and  Honor Jazz Bands

Information about the 2024 SCSBOA All-Southern Honor Ensembles can be found on their website: www.scsboa.org

Step 1 – Download the SCSBOA Student Information Form and email it to Mr. Crystal asap.  You cannot setup an audition account yourself.  Mr. Crystal needs this form to create the account.

Step 2 – Go to the SCSBOA Website and carefully read all of the audition instructions including what all of the requirements are. Many of the audition requirements will be similar to All-State, but pay careful attention and do not assume they are identical.  They may be, but assume nothing.

Step 3 – Begin recording each of the audition requirements separately.

Step 3 – When you are ready, upload your finished recordings to the SCSBOA Audition website for approval by Mr. Crystal.  This MUST be done by November 30th in order to be considered.  Mr. Crystal has to review the recordings before their final submission and if you don’t do this until December 1st (which is the submission deadline), it could not be enough time to screen the audition and get it submitted.

If you have any questions, email Mr. Crystal right away.

Good luck!!

California Band Director’s Association (CBDA)
All State Honor Band, Honor Orchestra, Honor Jazz

Audition info at: www.cbda.org


1. Turn in the CBDA All-State Student Audition Information Form to Mr. Crystal via email to start the process.

2.  Once Mr. Crystal receives your information form, he will create your application and audition account.

3.  Once your audition account is created, you will digitally sign your application and pay your audition fee directly to CBDA via credit card on their website.

4.  Your completed audition recordings must be uploaded to the CBDA site no later than October 30th in order to give Mr. Crystal enough time to review your submission and approve it.  If you do not upload and submit your audition files before this date, your application may not get processed.  

Be sure to look at all of the important information about the process for applying and auditioning to ensure that your submission is not rejected.

CBDA Audition Information and Forms Can Be Found Here

Ventura County Honor Band

The audition materials for VCHB are very similar, if not identical, to All State and All Southern.  HS students sign themselves up for an audition using the link provided on the VCHB website (www.vchb.org).

All auditions materials for VCHB can also be found on the VCHB website HERE