The Marching Band is a competitive ensemble that performs at all home football games, as well as field tournaments throughout Southern California in the Western Band Association (WBA) and also the Southern California Band and Orchestra Association (SCSBOA).
Being in the Marching Band is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended. This is a great way to develop your musicianship while having tons of fun with 65 of your closest friends!
Marching Band rehearsals are usually 3 days per week after school during the fall. Membership in the Marching Band is open to anyone who is already enrolled in either Concert Band or Wind Ensemble. The beginning of the season starts with a camp in August that happens every summer two weeks before the school year begins. This is an important time for the band to begin learning our fall show while establishing fundamentals and making friends.
There are some additional expenses associated with this activity and while the boosters work to plan fundraisers to help families offset these costs, the responsibility of funding this program rests with the band program at large. In order to ensure that all expenses related to the production of the Fall Field Show are met, it is necessary to determine, in advance, if the support is in place to move forward. So we ask parents to complete a Marching Band Financial Commitment Form and place it, along with their donation, in the black payment lockbox located in the Band Room.